Sunday, February 26, 2012

In love with Lily Elsie

I have always been fascinated with period movies, period costumes and well, perhaps everything period, vintage or remotely so. There's something about the past that leaves me in awe. Everything is just so romantic, and everything is done with courtesy and grace. Most of the time I dream of wearing corsets and long dresses. Today, as I was browsing through my tumblr account I came upon pictures of this absolutely beautiful woman from the Edwardian period. Her name is Lily Elsie

Doesn't she look perfect? She reminds me so much of Rose from Titanic, and her face is like a mash up of Kate Winslet's and Rachel Weisz'. 

I googled her and found out that she was a theater actress, and was one of the most photographed women during her time. She had such an amazing fashion sense and was considered a great and talented beauty (as you obviously see).






Makes me sad to learn that she eventually divorced from her husband, never had children because of early menopause at 22 and was, for the most part of her life depressed and psychologically ill (she was even lobotomized). She was so beautiful, yet in the end she didn't find true happiness and fulfillment.

"The only way to succeed is to peg away. Work as hard as possible, and never appear to find things a trouble." 
- Lily Elsie

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

how to be an astronaut

When I was 9 years old I wanted to be an astronaut.

It all started one night when my dad and I were out in the garden of our old house. He looked up at the night sky and pointed out the Big Dipper, the Small Dipper, and Orion’s Belt. I copied him, traced the constellations with my fingers, and before I slept that night I already had my own made-up version of his stories. It didn’t take long before I had read most of his astronomy books (well, more like skimmed through it and drooled over the pictures). I even convinced him to buy me my very own toy telescope! (my dad’s binoculars had better magnification)

Then Lost In Space came out. Yes. (way back then I already knew Star Wars was epic), but Lost In Space was set in 2058 in the real world! After that movie I didn’t want to just observe stars. I wanted to be up there with them! I dreamed of flying off to outerspace, of controlling time and exploring the possibilities of intergallactic space travel. I looked all girly on the outside, but inside that ten year-old girl who loved all things pink, I was a total geek.

I asked my dad if I could become an astronaut, and he told me that they had some criteria for that.......


Back in 1998, Google was yet to be available publicly so I had to look for it in our astronomy books. I don’t know how exactly I came up with it but I remember writing a note that said:

How to be an Astronaut:

finish school and become a scientist or engineer
have 20/20 vision
must reach at least 5’2” to 6'
spend a LOT of practice hours on the spaceship simulator

Aha! I was set!

This is the part when I get to share how I achieved all this. Thirteen years later and as I live in the REAL real world:

How to be an Astronaut

finish school and become a scientist or engineer
have 20/20 vision
must reach at least 5’2” to 6'
spend a LOT of practice hours on the spaceship simulator

I made a new note.

How life never turns out the way you planned when you were nine:

i'm studying to become an architect
i wear glasses 150/150, nearsighted
i'm barely 5 feet tall (petite)
i just got my license AND i ride the go-kart sometimes

HA! (an excuse to introduce myself)

So I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be an astronaut… But, much like my 9-year old self, I still listen to my dad’s stories, write notes, read books, and continue to dream. :)